Študenti lahko ponazorijo pomembna dejstva o hinduizmu, kot so simboli, voditelji, bogovi in še več!
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Hindus actually only believe in one God, Brahman, the eternal origin who is the cause and foundation of all existence. The gods of the Hindu faith represent different forms of Brahman. These gods are sent to help people find the universal God (Brahman). Most Hindus have a personal god or godess such as Shiva, Krishna or Lakshmi to whom they pray regularly. The three most important Hindu gods (forms of Brahman) are: Brahma - known as the Creator. Vishnu - Known as the Preserver Shiva (Siva)- known as the Destroyer. Other Hindu gods include: Saraswathi - Goddess of Wisdom - Wife of Lord Brahma. Saraswathi is the Hindu goddess of knowledge, music and all the creative arts. Lakshmi - Goddess of Wealth - Wife of Lord Vishnu. Lakshmi is the goddess of light, beauty, good fortune and wealth. Parvati - regarded as a representation of Shakti. Parvati is the wife of Lord Shiva and the Godess of household and motherhood. (Shakti is by literal definition sacred force, power, or energy. Shakti is the personnification of Brahman as feminine) Ganesha - Son of Shiva and Parvati. The Hindu god in a human form but with the head of an elephant.Click To EditHindus actually only believe in one God, Brahman, the eternal origin who is the cause and foundation of all existence. The gods of the Hindu faith represent different forms of Brahman. These gods are sent to help people find the universal God (Brahman). Most Hindus have a personal god or godess such as Shiva, Krishna or Lakshmi to whom they pray regularly. The three most important Hindu gods (forms of Brahman) are: Brahma - known as the Creator. Vishnu - Known as the Preserver Shiva (Siva)- known as the Destroyer. Other Hindu gods include: Saraswathi - Goddess of Wisdom - Wife of Lord Brahma. Saraswathi is the Hindu goddess of knowledge, music and all the creative arts. Lakshmi - Goddess of Wealth - Wife of Lord Vishnu. Lakshmi is the goddess of light, beauty, good fortune and wealth. Parvati - regarded as a representation of Shakti. Parvati is the wife of Lord Shiva and the Godess of household and motherhood. (Shakti is by literal definition sacred force, power, or energy. Shakti is the personnification of Brahman as feminine) Ganesha - Son of Shiva and Parvati. The Hindu god in a human form but with the head of an elephant.HelpEscapeInsert ParagraphUndo the last commandRedo the last commandTabUntabSet a bold styleSet a italic styleSet a underline styleSet a strikethrough styleClean a styleSet left alignSet center alignSet right alignSet full alignToggle unordered listToggle ordered listOutdent on current paragraphIndent on current paragraphChange current block's format as a paragraph(P tag)Change current block's format as H1Change current block's format as H2Change current block's format as H3Change current block's format as H4Change current block's format as H5Change current block's format as H6Insert horizontal ruleShow Link DialogSummernote 0.8.18 · Project · Issues
1,2 milijarde Hindujci po vsem svetu!
2300-1500 BCE
"Ljubezen pravi:" Jaz sem vse. " Modrost pravi: "Nisem nič." Med obema teče moje življenje. " -Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj, duhovni učitelj
Obstaja približno 1,2 milijarde hindujci v svetu, ki sestavljajo okoli 15% prebivalstva. Hinduizem je tretja največja in večinska vera v Indiji in Nepalu. Hindujci živijo tudi na Mauritiusu, Baliju, v Indoneziji, na Karibih, v Evropi, Severni in Južni Ameriki ter po vsem svetu!
15% svetovnega prebivalstva, so hindujski!
Hinduizem je nastal v severni Indiji, v dolini Inda River v bližini Pakistana. Hinduizem je širok izraz, ki zajema različne verske tradicije, ki izvirajo iz Indije in se danes izvajajo po vsem svetu.
Hinduizem je najstarejša svetovna vera, ampak, ko je dejansko začela je sporna. Večina učenjakov se strinja, da se je začelo pred približno 4000 leti.
Hinduizem ima različne vrste verskih voditeljev. Hindujski duhovnik je lahko Pujari (tempeljski duhovnik) ali Purohit (družinski duhovnik). Hindujski duhovniki skrbijo za templje, vodijo pobožnosti pri bogoslužju, pripravljajo daritve, težijo k sveti ognji in vodijo obrede in obrede. Obstajajo menihi po imenu Sannyasa in guruji, ki so učitelji hindujskih spisov.
DEJSTVA O Hinduizem
Hinduizem nima posebnega ustanovitelja, saj je razvil iz Brahminism, tradicijo, ki se lahko datum v prazgodovino. Beseda "hindujski" izvira iz imena reke Ind. Reka Ind teče 1800 milj od Tibeta skozi Kašmir in Pakistan do morja.
Hindujski templji se imenujejo Mandirji. Pogosto so posvečeni različnim bogovom. Mnogi hindujci častijo (izvajajo puja) vsak dan doma in imajo svetišče s slikami ali kipi, kjer lahko družinski člani skupaj častijo in darujejo murti (sveti kip). Mnogi hindujci romajo tudi v templje in sveta mesta v Indiji.
Om je glavni simbol. To je zvok, ki ga recitiramo med meditacijo ali molitvijo, da združimo svoje misli z Bogom in predstavlja Brahmana. Lotusov cvet je simbol duše in predstavlja stvarstvo. Kravo častijo kot vir hrane in simbol življenja in je nikoli ne bodo ubili. Dharma je koda za dobro življenje in jo predstavlja kolo. Japamala ali mala so molitvene kroglice.
Hindus believe in one God, Brahman, and a trinity of gods that together make him up: Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. Karma or actions dictate what your next life will be. Moksha is the belief that a person has become one with Brahman is released from the cycle of reincarnation. The most sacred texts of the Hindu religion are the ancient Vedas.
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