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Broad Opening Statement/Attention Grabber

Transition Statement

Detail 1

Detail 3

Thesis Statement

Detail 2

Transition Sentence

Sometimes called a "hook", a good opening sentence leads the reader to ask questions.

This sentence is leading the reader to a more specific topic sentence of your essay.

Without giving too much away, write a sentence about the first idea you will write about in your essay.

Without giving too much away, write a sentence about the second idea you will write about in your essay.

Without giving too much away, write a sentence about the third idea you will write about in your essay.

This is the point you are trying to make throughout your essay.

This sentence will lead into the first body paragraph of your essay.

Introduction Paragraph Outline

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Storyboard That

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Vytvorte si vlastný Storyboard

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Tento príbeh môžete nájsť v nasledujúcich článkoch a zdrojoch:
Grafické Organizátory

Lešenie pre Esej

Od Meghan Kyne

Naučte sa všetko o tom, ako vzdelávať svojich študentov o lešení pri plánovaní eseje.


Prezrite si niektoré z našich ďalších vzdelávacích článkov!

Storyboard Popis

esej príklad schéma 5 ods

Text z Príbehu

  • Broad Opening Statement/Attention Grabber
  • Transition Statement
  • Detail 1
  • Detail 2
  • Detail 3
  • Introduction Paragraph Outline
  • Without giving too much away, write a sentence about the first idea you will write about in your essay.
  • Without giving too much away, write a sentence about the second idea you will write about in your essay.
  • Sometimes called a "hook", a good opening sentence leads the reader to ask questions.
  • This sentence is leading the reader to a more specific topic sentence of your essay.
  • Without giving too much away, write a sentence about the third idea you will write about in your essay.
  • Transition Sentence
  • Thesis Statement
  • This sentence will lead into the first body paragraph of your essay.
  • This is the point you are trying to make throughout your essay.
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