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My Side of the Mountain od Jean Craighead George

Moja strana hory Jean Craighead George

Plány Lekcií od Lauren Ayube

My Side of the Mountain je o dospievajúcom chlapcovi Samovi Gribleym. Sam, unavený mestským životom v preplnenom byte, sa rozhodne nájsť rodinný pozemok v horách a žiť po svojom. Samovo dobrodružstvo je dobrodružstvo odvahy, prežitia a nezávislosti.


Moja Strana Hory

Storyboard Popis

Vyzvite študentov, aby vytvorili brožúru, ktorú by možno napísal Sam o prežití divočiny na Mojej strane hory od Jean Craighead George

Text z Príbehu

  • The Manner In Which You Don't StarveMake a fishing pole. You will need to whittle the end of a stick, and you will need to find grub under gross logs for bait. Look for game that hunters lost. Find useful plants. Remember: the key to finding edible plants is watching what the birds and animals are eating.
  • The Manner In Which You Make FriendsThe animals in the woods make terrific companions. Be sure to find a weasel who makes you laugh, a raccoon who keeps you on your toes, and a falcon who helps you hunt and is loyal forever.
  • The Manner In Which You Make a Fire"When the tinder glows, keep blowing and add fine dry needles one by one - and keep blowing, steadily, lightly, and evenly. Add one inch dry twigs to the needles and then give her a good big handful of small dry stuff. Keep blowing."
  • The Manner In Which You Find ShelterFind a large tree that is old and partially rotting at the heart of it. Dig with your ax until you have a large hole. Get a fire going inside of the tree (the way the Native Americans made canoes). Put the fire out and wait until all is dry before making the cozy spot your home.
  • Sam Gribley's Wilderness Survival Guide!
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