Georgia je štát na juhovýchode s bohatou kultúrou a rôznorodým terénom. Študenti sa radi dozvedia všetko o Gruzínsku a o tom, prečo je to také úžasné miesto na život a návštevu.
Študenti radi ilustrujú pohľadnicu z jednej z dominánt Gruzínska a povedia veľa zábavných faktov o tomto mieste!
Text z Príbehu
Vitajte v Gruzínsku!
Hi Ellie!I hope you are having an awesome time in California! My family and I are having a blast in Georgia. We have been visiting so many sites! The best place that we visited so far is the Callaway Gardens in Pine Mountains, which is an incredible resort with over 2,500 acres of trails, gardens, golf courses, and so much more. There are even concerts, a butterfly center, and a beach! My mom told me that in 1952, a Cason and Virginia Callaway opened their property for other people to enjoy, and it just got more and more popular each year. The beach on the property is called Robin Lake Beach, and it's the largest man-made white sand beach in the world. My favorite part of the whole place was the walking around the gardens; the flowers were so gorgeous and a butterfly sat on my brother's shoulder!Well, I can't wait to hang out when we all get home, and hear all about your trip. Did you go to Disney Land?! See ya soon and miss ya lots.Your BFF,Casey
Boston, MA 02233
Ellie Kramer
463 Hrušková ulica
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