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Sikhism began in the Punjab region in today's northern India and eastern Pakistan.Other words for Sikhism are Sikhi, Gursikhi, and Gurmat.

The Sikh faith began around 1500 CE, when Guru Nanak had a revelation and began teaching a faith that was separate from Hinduism and Islam, the dominant religions of the time period.

Guru Nanak had a revelation from God. He believed that there is only one God that created all and exists within all. He was against rituals and praying to idols. He believed that all were equal. The teachings of Guru Nanak, his nine successors, and the Guru Granth Sahib are the basis of the Sikh faith.

Sikhism is a monotheistic religion with only one God, Waheguru (Wondrous Lord). Sikhs learn about God through the teachings of Guru Nanak and the nine successive Sikh Gurus or "Enlightened Leaders". To be a full member of the Sikh community you must be baptized at the Amrit ceremony. Sikhs believe in the importance of prayer, charity, the duty to care for others, and the equality of all.

The Khanda is the main symbol of Sikhism with a central sword for the belief in one God, the Chakkar for the unity and continuity of God and the two crossed kirpans representing both spiritual and political/societal obligations. Sikhs that are baptized are obliged to have the 5Ks. The flag "Nishan Sahib" flies outside most Gurdwaras. Many Sikhs use a japamala for prayers.

Sikh temples are called Gurdwaras or "The Door that Leads to the Guru".They have the Guru Granth Sahib; four doors open to all; a Nishan Sahib flag. People cover heads, take off shoes, wash hands and feet, and sit on the floor as equals. There are Kirtan (singing of hyms from the Guru Granth Sahib); Katha (reading the scriptures); and Langar (a free community kitchen for all regardless of background or religion); and libraries and schools.

A Guru is Sikh religious teacher and messenger from God, literally one who removes the darkness of ignorance by giving the light of knowledge.Sikhs follow the teaching of 10 Gurus and the "Eternal Guru”, which is the Guru Granth Sahib, the holy text. A granthi is a person responsible for reading the Sikh holy book during public worship in the gurdwara. A granthi is not a priest as Sikhism does not have hierarchy or priesthood and can be a man or a woman.

There are about 26 million Sikhs worldwide which is 0.3% of the population. About 20 million live in India and across with globe with roughly 850,000 in the United Kingdom, 470,000 in Canada, 700,000 in the United States, 100,000 in Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania, 125,000 in Australia, and 100,000 in Malaysia.



“Accept all humans as your equals, and let them be your only sect.”

-Guru Nanak

26 million Sikhs Worldwide!

.3% of the World's Population are Sikh!

Guru Granth Sahib

Guru Granth Sahib

Belief in One God,

Waheguru (Wonderful Lord)

Follow teachings of 10 Sikh Gurus

Guru Granth Sahib

Prayer, Peace, Equality, Charity

5 Ks:

Kesh (uncut hair)
Kangha (wooden comb)
Kara (iron bracelet)
Kachera (cotton shorts)
Kirpan (iron dagger)

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