Sing in me Muse, and through me tell the story of that man skilled in all ways of contending, the wanderer, harried for years on end,after he plundered the stronghold on the proud height of Troy.
The Adventures of Odysseus
Sailing from Troy
I will give you a ship if you tell me of your adventures
I am Laertes' son
The Cicones
A man asks a Muse to help him tell the story of a man named Odysseus
The Lotus Eaters
A king named Alcinous offers a ship to a man named Odysseus, but he wants to hear his story first
The Cyclops Part 1
The Cicones are an army trained to fight on horseback
The Cyclops Part 2
What are you doing in my cave
There is a flower called ''Lotus'' that makes people lose hope of home and forget about their homeland
Odysseus and his men went to a land where the Cyclopes lived, the place was filthy
A Cyclops named Polythemus is very rude to Odysseus and his men. He even eats them two by two
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