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Experimental Design in Science Discussion Storyboard with Students

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Experimental Design in Science Discussion Storyboard with Students
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Plány Lekcií Experimentov

Skúmanie Umenia Experimentálneho Dizajnu: Sprievodca Krok za Krokom pre Študentov a Pedagógov

Od Olivera Smitha

Výučba experimentálneho dizajnu a umožnenie študentom vytvoriť si vlastné otázky a hypotézy si vyžaduje čas. Tieto materiály boli vytvorené na lešenie a štruktúrovanie procesu, aby umožnili učiteľom zamerať sa na zlepšenie kľúčových myšlienok v experimentálnom dizajne.


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Storyboard Popis

Discussion Storyboard about variables in experiments

Text z Príbehu

  • Who do you think is correct?
  • It is important to keep the amount of water the same for each plant so it is a fair test.
  • It is important to keep both the plants in the dark so we can see how the darkness affects the growth.
  • It is important not to water the plant so the water doesn't affect the amount it grows.
  • We should use two different types of plants.
  • The students are designing experiment to see how light affects how much the plant growth.
  • Sara
  • Chelsea
  • Jose
  • Curtis
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