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Printable Traffic Jam Story with Pictures | Being Flexible Social Story

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Create your own at Storyboard That Sometimes there are traffic jams and the car won't be able to move as quickly.This is where patience is important. The traffic could be for different reasons, including construction.Once you are past the reason for the jam, traffic should be move again. Now we are moving! Traffic Jam Ahead We aren't moving. Traffic Jam Ahead We are still not moving.
Printable Traffic Jam Story with Pictures | Being Flexible Social Story
Storyboard That

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Plány Lekcií o Prechodoch zo Sociálneho Príbehu

Sociálne Príbehy o Prechodoch a Neočakávaných Udalostiach

od Natashy Lupiani

Jedincom s poruchou autistického spektra sa darí rutinou a štruktúrou, ale rutina nie je vždy možná. Niekedy dôjde k prechodu alebo neočakávanej udalosti a zmení rutinu. Začlenenie sociálnych príbehov o bežných nadchádzajúcich prechodoch a neočakávaných udalostiach môže pomôcť pripraviť študentov a znížiť úzkosť zo zmeny.


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Special Ed Social Stories for Transitions. Create your own social stories!

Text z Príbehu

  • We aren't moving.
  • Traffic Jam Ahead
  • We are still not moving.
  • Traffic Jam Ahead
  • Now we are moving!
  • Sometimes there are traffic jams and the car won't be able to move as quickly.
  • This is where patience is important.
  • The traffic could be for different reasons, including construction.
  • Once you are past the reason for the jam, traffic should be move again.
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