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Computer science
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Hey there, My name is Bob. What is yours?
Today I am going to tell you about 3 innovations made possible by computer science.
First on the list is a laptop.
The laptop, a portable computer, was created in 1981 and weighed about 24 lbs.
Since then, scientist have reduced the size of components causing it to lose weight
They have also increased screen resolution, memory, and speed over time making the laptop much more enjoyable to use.
Laptops have become more affordable giving people from all types of economic status a cheap and easy way to access the internet and information.
Programs within laptops have created many more jobs which increase economic wealth
The next innovation is the EKG, electrocardiogram.
Once the activity is detected the machine then transmits the pattern on the screen allowing doctors to see how the heart is beating.
The EKG measures electrical activity from your heart beat.
Support vector machines, SVMs, have been added to newer EKGs allowing them detect heart patterns and disorders with a 89.72% acuraccy.
The EKG is not perfect just like any machine , but computer scientist are consonantly finding ways to improve it.
This innovation has helped doctors all over the world allowing them to detect heart disorders faster than ever, and as an effect many lives are saved.
EKGs have opened a whole new field of study allowing more jobs to be created which helps the economy continue to grow.
The last innovation i am going to be talking about is Genetically Modified Plants,
Modifying plants's DNA requires copying, cutting, and pasting DNA.
These procedures require state of the art technology and machines and that is where computer science plays its role.
One of these Monsanto’s GenV planter. While creating GMOs is mostly about breeding, scientist still need a way to track and keep up with plants.
The Monsanto’s GenV planter allows scientist to calculate optimal seeding and growing conditions best suited for the plant
GMOs have allowed farmers to grow mass productions of food and have made them more cost efficent for people looking to by them.
Computer Science has actually helped the agriculture field in more ways than you can imagine.
It allows farmers to run simulations that help plant production and it tells them where to plant.
They have also created software to help farmers analyze a plants health during tough weather conditions.
Computer science has benefited the agricultural feild in a positive way allowing farmers to grow more plants.
Not only did it help agriculture, but it also helped manufacturing
They have been able to create conveyer belts and machines to help transport.
These machines helped manufactures create a fast and simple way to package and deliver stuff.
Last thing i will tell you about today is computer languages used. one of the most common one is python and another is java .
Python is used because it has multiple programming paradigms and is compatble with major platforms.
https://compsci.lafayette.edu/top-30-innovations/https://compsci.lafayette.edu/top-30-innovations/ https://www.thoughtco.com/history-of-laptop-computers-4066247 https://www.heart.org/en/health-topics/heart-attack/diagnosing-a-heart-attack/electrocardiogram-ecg-or-ekg https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/full/10.1098/rsif.2017.0821 https://academic.oup.com/eurheartj/article/24/12/1153/447647 http://sitn.hms.harvard.edu/flash/2015/how-to-make-a-gmo/ http://sitn.hms.harvard.edu/flash/2015/how-to-make-a-gmo/ https://www.google.com/search?q=feilds+impacted+by+computer+science&rlz=1C1GCEB_enUS841US841&oq=feilds+impacted+by+computer+science&aqs=chrome..69i57j33.8055j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
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