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Black Radishes Storyboard

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Black Radishes Storyboard
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Vyskúšajte to zadarmo!

Vytvorte si vlastný Storyboard

Vyskúšajte to zadarmo!

Text z Príbehu

  • Beginning
  • Congratulations, Gustave's group! You win extra points in the scavenger hunt for being extremely kind and patient. 
  • V
  • Middle
  • V
  • I wish the war would end and Jewish people would not have to live in fear anymore. It's not fair how badly they are treated just because of their faith! 
  • V
  • V
  • V
  • End
  • We will be free to go to America and live as equals once the Nazis see these black radishes. They'll be so happy that they'll never suspect who we're hiding in the car! 
  • Although Gustave and his friends, Jean-Paul and Marcel, are Jewish and living in Paris during WWII, they are still treated as equals and are even occasionally considered winners! As the war continues, more restrictions are put on the Jewish people in France causing Gustave's family to move to the safer French countryside.
  • A demarcation line is placed in France to separate occupied and unoccupied France. All Jewish people are forced to register themselves to the police as ordered by the Nazis. Many French citizens begin to write the letter "V" all over France to show they want "victoire" (victory) over the Nazis and an end to the unfair treatment of the Jewish people.
  • Gustave and his father cross the demarcation line and save Jean-Paul and his mom from awful Nazi treatment. Nazis search their car hoping to find they've broken the rules and can torture them. However, the black radishes Gustave brought successfully distract the Nazis who take them happily for their beer and leave. Gustave's and Jean-Paul's families are free to go to America where they will be treated equally.
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