Sociálne a emocionálne učenie je výučba a rozvoj zručností potrebných na zvládanie veľkých pocitov, vytváranie vzťahov, získavanie sebauvedomenia, riešenie problémov, zodpovedné rozhodnutia a stanovovanie cieľov. SEL sa zameriava aj na otvorenú komunikáciu a empatiu. Viac sa dozviete na Storyboard That!
Students can illustrate an example of a social story as part of their Social Emotional Learning. Explore more SEL activities for elementary with Storyboard That!
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Please Walk!Keep everyone safe!
Be Kind
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I love to run when I play outside. It makes me feel good.
Sometimes I want to run inside the school, but it is dangerous.
I want to keep myself and others safe, so I walk when I am inside.
My teacher is happy that I am walking inside of the building, and that makes me happy too.
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