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Catcher in the Rye Holden as an Antihero

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Catcher in the Rye Holden as an Antihero
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Plány Lekcií The Catcher in the Rye

Definovanie Anti Hero

Plány Lekcií od Rebeccy Ray

Rastúci trend v literatúre, na obrazovke a na javisku sa presunul k produkcii ďalších chybných ľudských protagonistov. Vzory cnosti, ktorí sú odvážni, schopní a vždy robia správnu vec. Namiesto týchto inšpiratívnych hrdinov sa v mnohých dielach objavuje doplnkový archetyp: antihrdina.


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Storyboard Popis

Catcher in the Rye Holden Caufield as Anti-hero with a storyboard - Anti-hero definition and examples

Text z Príbehu

  • Definition
  • Let's go up to Vermont, or Massachusetts and get jobs, and build a cabin...
  • That's stupid, Holden.
  • Characteristics
  • My name is Rudolf Schmidt. Your son Ernie is the most popular kid at Pencey.
  • Really?!
  • Antihero: a central character in a story, movie, or drama who lacks conventional heroic attributes such as idealism, moral goodness, and altruism.
  • Examples
  • Holden is an antihero because he is a perpetual liar, he frequently judges and finds fault with others, and he fails to follow through with any plans.
  • Non-Examples
  • Where?!
  • Hey! There's Gary Cooper!
  • You flunked out AGAIN?! Dad's going to kill you!
  • Holden meets three girls in a bar and dances with them, but he thinks they’re all morons. He eventually tells one girl that he has just seen Gary Cooper, the movie star, to mess with her because he can’t stand her. When she tells the other girls she even caught a glimpse of him, Holden gets a good laugh.
  • Phoebe is the opposite of Holden. She is sweet, innocent, and genuinely concerned for Holden. When she finds out he’s failed out of school, she’s afraid of the punishment he’ll get from their father. When he tells her he’s hitchhiking out West, she tries to come along, and follows him to the zoo afterwards, even though she’s upset.
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