What is this I hear that the grain stores are almost empty?
Yes M'Lady all of the grain stores are empty
oh great fairy of the woods, I need you help the grain stores are empty and my people are starving
Lady the demand for you grain is simply higher than the supply of grain your farmers can harvest
It seems that your supply and demand problem has been fixed lady
Hooray! The farmers have began planting more grain to keep up with the demand for it.
Why have the royal banks been emptied?
I'm terribly sorry Lord King but the kingdom's economy has fallen into a recession. There is no money in the banks and our royal accounts are empty
Ole wise one! My kingdom is in an economic depression. What should I do?
Lord King, to end this depression the crown must infuse money into the economy and your people must finds jobs to gain and spend money in your own economy
Thank the ole wise one! Our banks have been filled by coin ever since we infused some into the economy. The economy is prospering and thriving thanks to the wise ole man
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