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Prepositions of Place: Basic

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Prepositions of Place: Basic
Storyboard That

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Použitie Storyboard That pre ESL

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Autor: Jessica Miller

Storyboard That je softvér, ktorý ľahko umožňuje komukoľvek vytvárať storyboardy alebo komiksy. Je to vynikajúci vzdelávací nástroj, či už učíte umenie, históriu alebo jazyk. Je to interaktívny, zábavný a vizuálny spôsob, ako naučiť študentov gramatické pojmy, slovnú zásobu, čítanie a porozumenie a ďalšie!


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Storyboard Popis

Identifying basic prepositions of place

Text z Príbehu

  • Where is the dog?
  • Where is the dog?
  • Where is the dog?
  • The dog is ON the table.
  • Where is the cat?
  • The dog is UNDER the table.
  • Where is the cat?
  • The dog is BESIDE the table.
  • Where is the cat?
  • The cat is IN the box.
  • The cat is BEHIND the box.
  • The cat is OVER the box.
  • Where is the cat?
  • Where is the dog?
  • Where is the cat?
  • The cat is BETWEEN the dogs.
  • The dog is NEXT TO the box.
  • The cat is IN FRONT OF the box.
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