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Black Death Story

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Black Death Story
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Text z Príbehu

  • Waking up to my mum screaming
  • Ahhhhhhhh
  • Running to the screams
  • Seeing my mum sick
  • I had to go outside, I wanted to the see the destruction
  • I woke up, and heard my mother screaming and crying. We were always crying, being stuck in our house with only chicken and eggs to eat, and our whole family wiped out by the plague. But we would never scream, especially this loud.
  • Offering to cure my mum with a live chicken
  • Nothing will work, I will die.Goodbye
  • I stood up from my wooden bed, and ran into my loungeroom, where my mum was sitting on the wood couch, with a lump on her neck.
  • Seeing my mum and brother dead from the plague
  • But how? How did she get the plague? We haven’t seen others in months. “I had to go outside” she told me, “I wanted to see the destruction”.
  • Killing myself
  • I'm coming Mumma
  • I ran over the pen where the chickens were kept, and grabbed a fully grown, healthy chicken. I started to use the ‘live chicken treatment’, by rubbing the rump of the live chicken on my mum’s buboes. “It’s alright Johnny, I will die, nothing will work”. “But it will, just wait”, I replied. “No”, and she pushed my away. She stood up weakly, and opened the front door to the littered street, and walked outside, not even saying goodbye to me. 
  • Then I heard a thump outside the door, so I ran over to open it, thinking my mum wanted to come back in. But I as opened the door, I saw my mum laying at the door step next to my brother. I sighed, disappointed but not sad, because I’m used to it now. Given up, I walked into the body-littered streets, looking over at all the dead. There was no chance of survival, and I knew I would eventually get the disease, so I limped over to the church. It was completely abandoned, same as my whole town. My only choice was catching the disease and dying, but I didn’t want to go through that pain.
  • I hate my life
  • That’s when I decided to walk over to the sacrificial cliff, used for throwing away bodies. Making my pray to god to take me to Heaven, I elegantly walked off with my eyes closed, then felt nothing but air and wind, then it was over. I opened my eyes, and saw my mother, and the rest of my family, I’m in Heaven. With no black death, and no feudal system, I could live rich, with my family. Now that’s where I’m writing this from, Heaven.
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