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Text z Príbehu

  • I wish he knew I was just worried about my mom who's in the hospital and got distracted.
  • Ryan sees that Jimmy failed his test and instantly starts making fun of him. He doesn't ask Jimmy any questions and just assumes he is dumb because he failed.
  • HA HA! You failed your test. You're stupid and don't know anything.
  • F
  •  Jimmy explains to Ryan that he is smart, but struggled because he was distracted. Ryan realizes he didn't think about what Jimmy might be going through and just jumped to a dispositional attribution.
  • It's not nice to make fun of people Ryan. I am smart I was just distracted because my mom's in the hospital.
  • I'm sorry to hear that Jimmy. I was just assuming you weren't smart because I saw your grade.
  •  Jimmy tells Ryan to try to think about a person's situation before he makes assumptions about them. If you consider what a person might be going through then you're more likely to be understanding of their situation.
  • It's okay sometimes I know it's easy to make assumptions without thinking about the other person. We all struggle sometimes, but you need to try to be understanding. 
  •  Ryan tells Jimmy about a time where he failed a test because he was having a bad day. He still is smart just like Jimmy, but just struggled that day.
  • I'm sorry for not considering what you were going through before making an assumption. I've failed tests before when I was having a bad day and I know I'm still smart. One of my friends made fun of me for failing too.
  •  Ryan and Jimmy both experienced a similar situation where someone made a dispositional attribution towards them instead of making a situational attribution and considering their circumstances.
  • All of the kids were calling me stupid and it made me really upset because I knew I was smart. They didn't even stop to think about how I was feeling or what I was going through.
  • Exactly, that's what I felt like. I understand how you felt and it doesn't feel good to be treated like that.
  •  Ryan learned to understand how making dispositional attributions can hurt the people he is making them towards. By being considerate towards others he will be able to make situational attributions and treat people nicer by not judging them based on one event.
  • Now I understand how important it is to take other people's circumstances into account before I react. I'm sorry for making you feel bad like I had before when my friends were saying that I was dumb
  • It's okay I'm glad that you will be more considerate now of what other people are going through. Thank you for being understanding of the situation I was going through once we talked about it.
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