“We lit a fire, burnt an offering,and took some cheese to eat; then sat in silencearound the embers, waiting." (1)
" In one stride he clutched at my companions and caught two in his hands like squirming puppies . . . and made his meal" (59)
"He seized and drained the bowl, and it went downso fiery and smooth he called for more [wine] . . . Tell me,how are you called? I’ll make a gift will please you."
"‘Nohbdy’s my meat, then, after I eat his friends.Others come first. There’s a noble gift, now.’"
My name is Nohbody
Whose hand could bear to thrustand grind that spike in Cyclop's eye, when mildsleep had mastered him? As luck would have it,the men I would have chosen won the toss—four strong men, and I made five as captain. (107)
‘What ails you,Polyphemus? Why do you cry so sorein the starry night? You will not let us sleep.Sure no man’s driving off your flock? No manhas tricked you, ruined you?’
". . . then slung a man under each middle oneto ride there safely, shielded left and right.So three sheep could convey each man"
"The blind thing in his doubled fury brokea hilltop in his hands and heaved it after us."
May Poseidon curse you!
If anyone asks you, It was Odysseus's who has blinded you!
Why bait the beast again? Let him alone! -Crewmate
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