God: Spread Christianity to Native Americans ( social )
Šmykľavka: 2
Hey you! My name is Alonso Alvarez de Pineda and I'm a Spanish explorer. I became the first European to observe and map the Texas coastline in 1519. I made a map the to coast of the Gulf of Mexico. Just because of that, Spain's increased interest in the Gulf Coast region and liad the groundwork for further exploration of TX!!
Thank you so much for the maps!! They help us out a lot!!
Šmykľavka: 3
Hello there! My name is Cabeza de Vaca and I'm a spanish explorer. I wrecked my ship near Galveston island in 1528, but luckily there was people there. The Gulf culture provided me food and shelter. Next stop I went to was Mexico City and I told them alot about City of gold-cibola. I then wrote a book called shipwrecked, and now I made a huge impact that provided insights into Native and geograph led to further exploration for TX of gold!!!
this book is not bad at all!
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