Hi,, my name is Charles Dave G. Abdul, I am 19 years old.
Šmykľavka: 2
This is my little cousin, Pretty!
I hope they make it out!
Oh no the evil monster...
Šmykľavka: 3
This is my Grandma and my cat Richard!
Good cat!
Šmykľavka: 4
Bet I Can!
And my cousins, Janna and Rashmia
Cant get me!
Šmykľavka: 5
I play video games, watch TV, and read books. I plan to be a coder in my future but I also have other options.
And I would Introduce you to my grandpa, but he's sleeping!
Last year my best class was English and my worst class was Math, mainly because students were making him mad and he sometimes didn't provide a good explanation of the work.
Šmykľavka: 6
I want to be able to be organized by the end of this course. I'm here because I'm struggling with school and learning strategies may help me. I need to work on my organization in Purposive Communication and Math Plus. EDP-101 is the hardest class for me right now.
Šmykľavka: 0
Im taking Math Plus with Prof. Elena, Purposive Communication with Mr. Cabradilla, EDP-101 with Mr. Morales, and Contemporary World with Mr. Rañon. I'm looking forward to Math Plus, and I'm concerned a little with EDP-101, although I'm doing good right now
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