The story starts with a young boy named P.T. Barnum, who is a poor boy who needs to steal for food, and is hatted by everyone for his reputation of money. But one day he meets a young girl named Charity, who seems to want to be with him as much as P.T. does. So P.T. shows her this really nice mansion, which allows P.T. and Charity to move to New York City and start their life together.
Climax:Never be enough
P.T. gets a full circus filled with people with all sorts of genetic problems. The song shows how they do not care about what other people think about them, and that nothings going to stop them from doing what they love.
Falling Action:From now on
P.T. does not want the rest of the circus to celebrate a perfect play with the rest of the crowd, causing the performers to feel shamed, but then one of them sings the song This Is Me, which shows that the circus will still do whatever they can do to make sure that they do not feel sorry for themselves.
Resolution: The Greatest Show
P.T. gets a English Woman to sing the song Never Be Enough on stage all over the World. The song states that whatever P.T. offers to her, nothing will ever be enough for her to agree on. After performing one time, P.T. kisses her after the performance, causing Charity to leave him and head home.
Towards the end, P.T. and the circus are trying to figure out what to do after a heckler burns down their circus. Suddenly, P.T. has a huge light bulb that they can perform in a big tent. Then, P.T. remembers about Charity, and is able to convince her to come back to him.
The movie ends with the circus performing their opening song called The Greatest Show. In the middle of the song, P.T. exits the stage, and gives his job to his partner Phillip, and decides to retire to spend time with his wife and kids.
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