Growing up as a middle child, I was always seeking perfection and tried to be at the top either in school or among my siblings hoping to receive my parents' attention and the recognition from everyone around me.
Šmykľavka: 2
In high school, my dream was to enter the biomedical engineering program. Then, one teacher told me ‘ Ashan inti mara ‘ translated as (Because you are a woman), you can't choose certain disciplines." That was a critical moment in my whole life. Along with me having problems with Physics subjects, I refused help and wanted to prove something for myself. I finally made the most important decision:changing to literature from physics.
Is it because i am not good at physics or because i am a woman ?
Why, am i not good enough ?
Šmykľavka: 3
I did it :)
Eventually, in applying to college, I did not just aim for success but for distinction in a field in which I knew I would be good. I choseMass Communication and graduated among the best of my peers. My aspirations and personal experiences have further strengthened my commitment to helping people, particularly women, rise in their own chosen careers regardless of societal norms and pressures.
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