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Oh no Mum, I swallowed my tooth!

Omg we need to go to the doctor right now!

Sure thing, I am going to explain the digestive system.

Hi doctor, can you please help my son, he has swallowed his tooth?

Symptoms that you will need to get checked: Neck or chest pain, Trouble swallowing, Recurring vomiting, Abdominal pain, Fever or drooling, Blood in vomit .

You tooth will most likely pass through the narrowest part of the digestive tract, This will most likely happen.

The parts of the digestive system are, mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, and anus.

Motility, digestion, absorption and secretion are the four vital functions of the digestive system. The digestive system will break down the tooth you swallowed into tiny particles.

We have got the results back from the scan and lucky your tooth passed through your digestive system and out of the small intestine.


Yay! Thank you so much doctor.

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