Before we head to the fifth and final layer, the inner core I need to add in my diagram the features I have discovered about the outer core and cross it off the list. Then, we need to activate the car mode because the inner core is solid so we won't need a submarine. I have added all the information needed now, let's grab the sample and head to the inner core! It will be a shorter distance but we still need to speed up because the inner core is 1,220 km thick.
Outer core
We have arrived to the inner core! It is really hot in here! This is because the temperature here are about 5,426°C and it's pressure is so intense. The inner core is also made of iron and nickel and it is solid. However, the inner core is solid because the pressure is so intense that it doesn't let the iron and nickel melt. Incredible right! If you haven't noticed yet, as we go deeper into the Earth's layers the temperature and pressure increases every time!
I have already added all the features I have discovered about the inner core and cross it off the list. We have ended our journey here! I discovered some really interesting things and it was awesome to do this trip! Now it's time for me to go back to my spaceship and head to Mars. I will anyway need to go really fast in order to go through every single layer we have visited and get to space where my spaceship is.
Inner core
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