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S.T.A.N.D. Against Bullying

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S.T.A.N.D. Against Bullying
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Výchova a Prevencia Šikanovania

Prevencia Šikanovania a Vzdelávanie

Plány Lekcií od Bridget Baudinet

S rozmachom sociálnych médií v posledných desaťročiach zaznamenali pedagógovia nárast kyberšikanovania aj tradičného šikanovania medzi mládežou školského veku. Prvým krokom k zmene je vzdelanie. Učitelia, zamestnanci, rodičia a študenti musia byť vzdelaní v identifikácii šikanovania, reagovaní naň a prevencii.


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Storyboard Popis

S.T.A.N.D. Against Bullying - Take a stand against bullying with anti-bullying activities.

Text z Príbehu

  • S
  • Hey weenie. What dark cave did you just crawl up from?
  • T
  • She tried to trip me three times when I walked past.
  • A
  • N
  • Give us your lunch if you know what's good for you...
  • No way!
  • D
  • This is fun! Maybe we could sit together on the bus ride home.
  • Stand tall and walk in a way that shows you are a person deserving respect. Your body language can help prevent you from being a target.
  • Tell an appropriate adult. Telling to prevent a dangerous situation is not tattling.
  • Avoid being in harm's way. Getting away from a dangerous situation is not being a coward. It's being smart.
  • Say NO to the bully's demands from the start. If you appease a bully about small things, he'll just demand more. (Exception: If you are in physical danger, you may need to go along until you can report it to the police. It's not worth being injured over lunch money.)
  • Develop friendships - people who will stand up for each other - a caring community. Support others and ask for support. If someone is being bullied, speak up. If someone is excluded, include them in your play.
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