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economy project

Vytvorte Storyboard
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economy project
Storyboard That

Vytvorte si vlastný Storyboard

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Vytvorte si vlastný Storyboard

Vyskúšajte to zadarmo!

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Text z Príbehu

  • I'll tell you everything
  • What is the economy all about?
  • In an economy, there are wants and needs...
  • ...things people want to have, and things people need for everyday life.
  • Oh! Like wanting fancy shoes but needing food.
  • there are also 4 different types of economic systems. Market, mixed, command, and traditional...
  • ...each economy differs in how much government control there is and how much resources are available to everybody. Our country has a mixed economy.
  • What else is there to learn about the economy?
  • Then there's supply and demand. Supply is how much product the company has to sell...
  • ...and demand is how much product people want, or how many people want it.
  • Oh! Like right now the demand for cheese burgers is super high but all the restaurants have low supply of them!
  • Lastly there's business cycles. Business cycles are the cycle of highs and lows in the economy.
  • We're at a peak now then.
  • Peaks are when employment and business is at the highest, and depressions are at the lowest.
  • Thanks for telling me all about the economy!
  • No problem
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