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Shh, its ok baby... mommy is here

Trust vs. Mistrust

Erikson's frist stage of psycological develpoment is trust vs. mistrust, this typicaly occurs during infancy and the age of one. This is an example of Trust vs Mistrust because in this scene the mother in comforting her infant son as he is crying. As this is happening the baby is learing that this is his mother and someone that he can trust/rely on.

In Erikson's 5th stage of psychological development Identity vs. Role Confusion usually happends between 12 - 20 years of age. In this scene the girl is showing that knows what she wants as well is attemping to assert her independence. As for the boy in the back, He is showcasing the thought of rebellion, which is also something that one may show during this stage.

Identity vs. Role Confusion

I am so excited to goto college and be on my own!!

I wonder what would happen if I ditch class right now??

Generosity vs. Stagnation

In Erikson's 7th stage of psychological development Genersoity vs. Stagnation is something that could happen. This would happen within the ages of 40-65. On the left, thisis an example of this because you can see the doctor wishing their patient well after helping them, and during this stage people tend to have more of an want to provide their assistants to the next generation (an increased overall involvment).

Thank you so much!!

I am so glad that I could help and I hope that everything works out!

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