The story starts off with Tony and his friend Juan. In his neighbor backyard going to go get a ball. When the old man sees them and chases them out of his yard and into the ally. Where he threw the ball at the boys head Tony was very mad.
Falling Action
The rising action starts when the boys meet up. And Tony tells Juan that he saw the old man set up a new computer. And tells him he thinks that the old man killed his mother. And is trying to get run away Tony felt shocked.
The climax happens when Tony and Juan follow the old man. To the library and when the old man leaves. The boys look at what books he was reading was crime books. And the boys thought the worse and he was shocked .
The falling action starts when Tony and his friend sneak into the old mans backyard. Looking for anything that shows he killed his mother and when Tony dug a hole it was a bone. And the boys screamed and then the old man caught them and got Tony's and his friends parents and Tony and his friend felt scared.
The old man took him home. And him the old man and his parents were talking. And after some time the old man told him that he sent his mom on a vacation and Tony felt very relived.
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