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  • This is the Religion Christianity.We represent Jesus as god's son.This is are church were we do are workship. Are prophet is Jesus.We are a comunity of 2.3 billion people.We are one of the largest religions ans here we are teached to learn what jesus made for us and how he resurrect. We are monotheistic.
  • This is the Religon Islam. Are holy book is the "Qur'an".We see Jesus as a prophet of god.Thsi thing behinf us is the Mosque and are prophet is Muhammad.The sory of Muhammad is that he was in a cave meditating, and he got a religoun vesion of he creating a religion clalled Islam. That's why we are a religion called Islam.We are a comuniti of 1.8 billion followers. We are Monotheistic.
  • This is the religon Judaism. Jesus is are teacher and not are prophet.This Temple behind me is called "Synagogue".Are prophet is Moses. Are holy book is the Torah, the Torah has been written by hand for the following 3,300 years.We are a community of 14 million followers.Judisim followeres only belive in one God who relieved himself throgh acient prophets. We are Monotheistic.
  • We are the Religion Hinduism. We are a community of 1.1 billion followers. We belive in Brahman who he belives to be the supreme God.We don't force people to have an specific belive that everybody must agree with. Instead we are very inclusive in many ways.Are most commun ritual is meditate. Are holy book is "VEDAS". We are Polytheistic.
  • This is the religion Buddhism.Are holy book is called "The Tripitaka".We belive that human life is one of suffering.We are a community of 450 million followers. We are the fourth largest religion in the world.We don't have a single holy book.We don't belive ina supreme being or creator god.Are rituals is called "Mantras" , which we need to chant for us to meditate.We are atheistic.
  • Hellow, we are the religion Sikhism.We are a religion Monotheistic. Are holy book is called "Guru Granth Sahib". we belive in a god without gender or form. We are a community of 25 million followers.There most important prophet is Guru Nanak. We belive in recarnation and the three duties: praying, working, and giving to charity.
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