The statue of the Happy Prince stood high above the city. It was covered with gold, its eyes were bright blue jewels, and a red jewel hung from its waist.
I'm glad that someone in the world is happy.
Everyone thought that it was very beautiful.
Why can't you be more like the Happy Prince?
One night, a little bird flew alone over the city. The other birds are all in Egypt now. Then he came across the Happy Prince.
When I was alive, I didn't know what "tears" were. Now I can see my people's sadness and I can't stop crying.
Can you do me a favor? Will you take my red jewel to the house over there.
I'm the happy prince.
But why're you crying?
Then, the bird does the favors the Happy Prince requests. Until there is no good parts of the Happy Prince was left...
Who are you?
After those favors and the Happy Prince losing his jewelled eyes and gold skin for his people, the little bird stayed until the cold killed him.
I'm happy that you're finally leaving for Egyğt.
Kiss me!
I'm not going to Egypt, I am going to the "House of Death". Can I kiss you before I leave?
The Happy Prince also couldn't bear the sadness and died. Then, since he lost his beauty and glory, the people burned his sculpture.
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