Dr. Sadao and Hana discover an injured American soldier on the shore near their house. Despite the ongoing war against Americans, they decide to help him because of their sense of humanity.
Šmykľavka: 2
He will die unless he is operated on
I have never washed a white man.and I will not wash so dirty a one now
Don’t try to save him! What if he should live?
The decision to help Tom creates internal and external conflicts. The servants are opposed to sheltering an enemy and threaten to leave. Dr. Sadao and Hana fear the consequences if the authorities find out.
Šmykľavka: 3
Care and Recovery
Anyway, let me tell you that my name is Tom.
The last stitches had been pulled out thismorning, and the young man would, in a fortnight be nearly as well as ever
Dr. Sadao operates on Tom, saving his life. As Tom recovers, the bond between him and the Hoki family grows. However, They are still scared of the threat
Šmykľavka: 4
Thank you
If the baby misses me too much tonight, send for me.I am going to my own house and you know where it is.
Dr. Sadao faces a moral and ethical dilemma. On the one hand, he is a patriot; on the other, he must save lives as a doctor. The tension escalates as the servants leave, and the Hoki family is left alone with the Americans.
Šmykľavka: 5
That perhaps would be best,Excellency,
They are verycapable assassins — they make no noise and they knowthe trick of inward bleeding. If you like I can even havethem remove the body.”
Dr. Sadao contacts a Japanese general, explaining his predicament. The general promises to send assassins to eliminate Tom. However, days pass, and no one comes. Ultimately, Dr. Sadao helps Tom escape, ensuring he finds a safe route back to his own country.
Šmykľavka: 6
Strange,I wonder why I could not kill him?
After Tom leaves, Dr. Sadao reflects on his experiences in America, his complex feelings towards the enemy, and his actions that blended duty, compassion, and patriotism.
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