Hello! What is the chemical reactions in the process of extracting gold from ore?
Hello! Sodium cyanide is used in the process of extracting gold for ore. The chemical reaction that occurs is Au+2CN-Au(CN)2. This is a synthesis chemical reaction. The cyanide allows the gold to be leached from the ore.
How does this process affects the environment?
When Sodium cyanide in not disposed properly it will damage the local environment and wildlife. Mining also causes air pollution and water pollution due to the large amount of dust produced.
How are the health of miners and people living nearby affected?
Miners and people living nearby will have higher chances of developing respiratory problems because they will be inhaling higher amount of dust. Communities can also be harmed by having their river, groundwater contaminated.
What are governments and mining companies doing to make mining more sustainable?
To make mining more sustainable companies and governments responsible for mining sites are using more eco-friendly equipments, shutting down illegal mining, reusing mining waste, rehabilitating mining sites, and more.
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