Hello classmates, this StoryboardThat Project will contain information about "employees always being in the right".
Šmykľavka: 2
Hello welcome to Eng 1013, what can i get started for you today?
Hi, Yes can I order a 7 piece chicken nuggets with 2 hamburgers and 3 small fry's with 2 small sprites .
Šmykľavka: 3
Okay perfect, does everything look correct on the screen?
I actually wanted them to bundles.
Šmykľavka: 4
Yes ma'am it should calculate that way once I complete the order. *Calculates order* Does everything look correct now?
No, I wanted the 1 hamburgers to be in the bundles and the other to be the nuggets. Your clearly not understanding me i'll go to the next window.
Šmykľavka: 5
Hello ma'am, You had the 7 piece chicken nuggets with 2 hamburgers and 3 small fry's with 2 small sprites .
Yes, the guy taking orders didn't take my order right. I told him I wanted to 2 bundles one of hamburgers and the other of a 7- piece. I also wanted to add another cheeseburger but for this one I don't want pickles or onions
Šmykľavka: 6
Okay, it doesn't really make a price difference but I'll do for you and you wanted to add a cheeseburger with no pickles or onions * repeats order back* okay ma'am I made the changes does everything sound correct now?
That's fine. Thanks
Pays and heads to next window to receive food
Šmykľavka: 7
Hello, ma'am * hands her the food*
*Begins to check food* Y'all made my cheeseburger wrong. I wanted no pickles or onions on the regular hamburger not the cheeseburger
Šmykľavka: 8
Okay *calls manager over*
Hello Ma'am what seems to be the issue with your order?
Šmykľavka: 9
Okay, can I get the hamburger back so I can fix it for you
Šmykľavka: 10
I'm sorry ma'am we can't fix the hamburger unless we have.
Drives off
Why not? this makes no sense. You know what just leave it
Šmykľavka: 11
Yes, i'm not sure if there's a language barrier but they keep messing up my order I told the lady at the window that I wanted my cheeseburger with no pickles or onions and you put in on my regular hamburger
work cited Reynolds, Kate L., and Lloyd C. Harris. “When Service Failure Is Not Service Failure: An Exploration of the Forms and Motives of ‘Illegitimate’ Customer Complaining.” Journal of Services Marketing, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 1 Aug. 2005, www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/08876040510609934/full/html#idm45560926635168.
As you can see classmates this is an example of a customer completing an illegitimate complaint. Although customer does always have the right hand some take advantage of situations.
Šmykľavka: 12
No, I have people at home who will eat it. I just want you to remake the hamburger
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