Skills: I am knowledgeable of curriculum and best practices. I am experienced in leading Professional Development to improve teacher efficacy. I have found myself to be relatable having great communication skills with students, parents, staff, and stakeholders.
Value Added- I have a reading background. I am licensed Reading K-12. I am also National Board Certified in Literacy K-8. I have a history of closing achievement gaps in reading for students of color and those of marginalized communities.
Values & Beliefs: I believe that all students have the ability to learn. I believe that all students deserve equal access to resources and materials. I am an advocate for my students, always willing to take a stand to ensure they have what they need to be successful.
Deficits/Improvement/Opp. for Growth: There is still room to grow when it comes to being vulnerable with others. I also have an opportunity to grow in the area of learning to rise. I can take mistakes hard. However, I am learning instead of dwelling on the disappointments to use them to guide future situations.
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