Tiyasha Sharma, Tiya is a college girl. Today Tiya has seen a horrible dream of Ansh in the morning. She got so much scared about him as she believes in superstitions. So after getting up she took her phone, called Ansh, and told him to meet her immediately. Ansh is her childhood best friend.
This is Ansh, Tiya's Ansh. Recently he joined a private firm. As he is a fitness freak so every morning he goes for a jog.
They met in their regular cafe. Ansh asked Tiya why she called him to meet her asap. Tiya was very tensed. She started telling Ansh what she had seen in her dream. Suddenly Ansh's phone rang and he got busy in that.
listen !!!
Hey...but be careful...please!
Sorry...i have to go. talk to you later.
It was a very busy day for Ansh. He had to give a presentation which was very important for his career. So he was little bit nervous and for all of these, he forgot about Tiya and their morning meeting.
Here Tiya came for lunch and movie with her friends as today was their last final year examination. They were chilling and enjoying but Tiya was continuously thinking about Ansh.
After coming back home, Tiya texted Ansh.
You are fine...right..??
Sorry for being late.....
Hey...where are you?
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