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Unknown Story

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Unknown Story
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  • Act I, Scene i, Line 8
  • "There to meet with Macbeth"
  • Act I, Scene 7, Lines 83-88
  • "Bring forth men-children only,For thy undaunted mettle should composeNothing but males. Will it not be received,When we have marked with blood those sleepy twoOf his own chamber and used their very daggers,That they have done ’t?"
  • Act 4, Scene I, Line 48-49
  • How now, you secret, black, and midnight hags?What is ’t you do?
  • In this scene in Macbeth the three witches foreshadow their next meeting. The witches talk about there next meeting being with Macbeth which tells us that the Three Witches will play a major role in the play. This is the first scene where fate verses'' free will is introduced.
  • Act IV, Scene I, Line 70-72
  • In this scene is another example of foreshadowing. Macbeth has told Lady Macbeth about what the witches told him and how he will become King. So as well as foreshadowing this is the first point in the story where Macbeth has to decide between whether his fate will lead him to the crown and he will not have to commit murder or will he act on his freewill and kill Duncan due to his wife's pressure.
  • Act V, Scene III, Lines 4-7
  • In this scene Macbeth is meeting with the three witches just like what was foreshadowed in Act I, Scene I. In this scene a lot is foreshadowed of what will happen to Macbeth and the people around him. This is another time where Macbeth is told his fate and he pursues the future with the knowledge. Versus if Macbeth was not told his fate then the outcome would be vastly different.
  • Act V, Scene VII, Lines 44-45
  • Macduff was from his mother's womb Untimely ripped.
  • In this scene a apparition appears and tells Macbeth to be weary about Macduff. This is another time where fate versus free will is in play. Macbeth is faced with another moment of foreshadowing when he is told about Macduff.
  • "Beware the thane of Fife. Dismiss me. Enough."
  • Let every soldier hew him down a bough, and bear't before him: thereby shall we shadow the numbers of our host
  • In this scene the soldiers invading Macbeth's castle are planning to cut down trees and hide themselves behind them so the people of Macbeth's army do not know how many soldiers there truly are. This occurs just as the three witches said that burnam woods would come to Macbeth's castle. This shows that the three witches may actually have some power over fate and actually changed Macbeth's life and that it wasn't his own decisions.
  • In this scene Macduff and Macbeth are confronting each other. At this point in the story Macbeth still believes he is invincible since how could someone not be born from woman. But Macduff proves this wrong in that he was born through sea section. This again shows the Witches power over fate versus free will.
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