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Nixon Comic

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Nixon Comic
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  • However, the odd part of this robbery is that the one of the men robbing the bank was a former CIA agent. This led to further investigation. 
  • The WaterGate Scandal started off as a seemingless petty buglary of the Watergate hotel by 5 men. 
  • This can be seen as one of the burgalers admitted to being part of the Committee of re-election for the president. Nixon did not order the break in, but he did order a immediate cover up, raising suspicion. 
  • This, however, had little to no effect to his relection as he won by a landslide that year. 
  • Because his uphill battle to becoming the president, Nixon is very defensive and secretive during times of crisis.
  • Nixon's cover up of the event, however, soon unraveled, as McCord gave a testimony during a trail that opened up a multitude of different testimonies that gave away the true intentions of the Watergate scandel. This led all the way to John Dean, a member of the inner circle of the white house that gave a testimony on Nixon himself. 
  • Because Nixon has a very defensive personality, his new policy of audio records that he implemented will be what starts his road to resignment.
  • However, Richerdson refused and resigned from his position before firing Cox, so the job was handed down to his deputy. Then his the deputy resigned and it was sent down to solicitor general, who finally fired Cox. This was known as the Saturday Night Massacre, and it hurt Nixon's reputation badly.
  • Nixon was tried to be put on court by Archbilard Cox, using audio recording as his evidense against him. Not wanting to do this, Nixon tried to get Elliot Richerdson, the General Attorny, to fire Cox before the case.
  • With Nixon's audio files having to be turned over, the evidence was there where Nixon ordered the CIA to stop the FBI from investigating. With this, Nixon lost all his supporters and he was charged with several criminal charges. This was the Final Nail in the coffin and Nixon resigned on August 9th, 1974.
  • President Ford pardoned all charges against Nixon, as he believed that all of America had a play in the Watergate Scandal, and if he didn't put an end to it right now, it would never end at all.
  • New Laws were being passed limits the power of the executive branch. For example, the Federal Campaign Act Amendments limited campaign contributions and established an independent agency to administer stricter election laws.
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