DUDE! What if our world is a game just like the SIMS?
Šmykľavka: 3
Don't be silly, we could tell if we lived in a simulation
Šmykľavka: 4
Are you sure dude? Imagine there are people outside our world who created our world They could control everything we see and do just like us and the SIMS.
Šmykľavka: 5
I guess I never thought of it that way...... now that you say it, there are some things that have been bothering me recently.
Like what dude?
Šmykľavka: 6
Like how every single day, Mr. Johnson goes on a walk at exactly 6 pm.
Do you think he's one of those non-player characters, stuck in a forever loop of the same routine?
Šmykľavka: 7
OR how Curious George never had a tail?
Wait, are you serious?
Look at the TV, if you don't believe it.
Maybe he did have a tail earlier and the creator just changed the game so he doesn't have it now?
Šmykľavka: 8
Yeah now that I think about it there's proof everywhere!
Dude I'm seriously freaked because of that!
Like why do I randomly zone out sometimes? Maybe it means whoever is controlling me had to change the batteries to his remote?
DUDE! please stop
Šmykľavka: 9
The way I see it there are 3 possibilities, firstly we are already in a simulation built by a supersmart alien, and we can't tell the difference. We just have to believe in what we see.
I hope not!
Šmykľavka: 10
The second is that, we as a species will never be smart enough to make a game this advanced!
Somehow that's better in my head.
Šmykľavka: 11
The final situation is that even if one day we can make advanced simulations we choose not to.
That sounds like the most ethical answer!
Šmykľavka: 12
I don't know bro, maybe we do actually live in a simulation?
Yeah, I guess we can never really know the answer to that question.
Šmykľavka: 13
What do you think, has this comic convinced you that we live in a simulation?
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