The Second and Third Day - sky, Dry Land and Plants
The Fourth Day - Sun, Moon and the stars
God created light (day) and separated it from the darkness (night).
The Fifth Day - Fish and Birds
On the second day God made a space with some off the water above and below it and called it the sky.On the third day god created earth which he covered with grass plants and trees and gathered the water together to make seas
The Sixth Day - Land Animals and People
On the fourth day god said, ''let there be lights in the sky to separate the day from the night''. He created the sun to rule the day and the moon to rule the night and also the stars.
The Seventh Day - Rest
On the fifth day god said, ''let the water be filled with living things, and let there be birds to fly in the air over the earth. He created every living thing in the sea and every living thing in the sky and so he saw this as good
On the sixth day god said, ''let the earth produce many kinds off living things'', so he created different kinds off animals such as wild animals and tamed animals. Then he created male and female humans in his own likeness to rule over his creations.
on the seventh day god had finished his work so he made the seventh day a holy day because it was the time for him to rest.
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