I express my gratitude, my deepest gratitude, for the liberation I experience in my entire being, both physically and spiritually. My heart overflows with gratitude and appreciation for this release.
Mrs. Mallard, despite her sorrow, comes to the realization that she is liberated from a marriage that did not bring her true happiness. While she mourns the passing of her husband, she harbors a clandestine awareness of her newfound freedom.
Šmykľavka: 2
When I return home after my trip, I find the surprise reflected on everyone's faces.
Having come to the conclusion that he is now free to pursue happiness in his life, Mrs. Mallard and Josephine descend just as Mr. Mallard emerges unharmed from the accident that had been ruled fatal.
Šmykľavka: 3
Mrs. Mallard collapses, lifeless. According to the doctor, "She died of heart disease—of the joy that kills." She believed she was overwhelmed with happiness at the thought of newfound freedom. It dawned on her that her lifelong repression had ended abruptly, and this realization proved fatal.
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