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Emotions Map

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Create your own at Storyboard That Happy / NeutralSad / ForlornSmug / ConfidentConfused / CuriousMad / IrateCheeky / FlirtatiousFeatures:Face: SmilingArms: Down or outward placementLegs: Standing (If there is no action)Head Tilt: OptionalFeatures:Face: SadArms: Inward, close to the bodyLegs: Bent inward or straightHead Tilt: OptionalFeatures:Face: SmugArms: On hips or facing outwardLegs: Standing (If there is no action)Head Tilt: YesFeatures:Face: ConfusedArms: Close to body or touching faceLegs: Standing (If there is no action)Head Tilt: YesFeatures:Face: MadArms: On hips or facing outwardLegs: Standing (If there is no action)Head Tilt: OptionalFeatures:Face: WinkArms: Outward for confidence, inward for shyLegs: Standing for confidence , inward for shyHead Tilt: Yes
Emotions Map
Storyboard That

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Описание Раскадровки

Character posing tips

Текст Раскадровки

  • Happy / Neutral
  • Features: Face: Smiling Arms: Down or outward placement Legs: Standing (If there is no action) Head Tilt: Optional
  • Confused / Curious
  • Sad / Forlorn
  • Features: Face: Sad Arms: Inward, close to the body Legs: Bent inward or straight Head Tilt: Optional
  • Mad / Irate
  • Smug / Confident
  • Features: Face: Smug Arms: On hips or facing outward Legs: Standing (If there is no action) Head Tilt: Yes
  • Cheeky / Flirtatious
  • Features: Face: Confused Arms: Close to body or touching face Legs: Standing (If there is no action) Head Tilt: Yes
  • Features: Face: Mad Arms: On hips or facing outward Legs: Standing (If there is no action) Head Tilt: Optional
  • Features: Face: Wink Arms: Outward for confidence, inward for shy Legs: Standing for confidence , inward for shy Head Tilt: Yes
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