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Create your own at Storyboard That Here is the character walking in a scene.Here is the character walking in a scene.Notice that the skin, eye, pant, and shoe color has changed. He has a different bag. The text bubble style,color, and font have also changed.His colors have remained the same. The text bubble style, color, and font matches the first scene.His pants and shoes have returned to their normal color, but his eyes haven't been colored. His bag is hasalso switched back to the original.Keeping colors and items the same throughout a storyboard creates continuity in the story.InconsistentConsistent Off to college! I am really excited! Off to college! I am really excited!
Storyboard That

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  • Inconsistent
  • Off to college!
  • Consistent
  • Off to college!
  • Here is the character walking in a scene.
  • Here is the character walking in a scene.
  • Notice that the skin, eye, pant, and shoe color has changed. He has a different bag. The text bubble style, color, and font have also changed.
  • I am really excited!
  • His colors have remained the same. The text bubble style, color, and font matches the first scene.
  • I am really excited!
  • His pants and shoes have returned to their normal color, but his eyes haven't been colored. His bag is has also switched back to the original.
  • Keeping colors and items the same throughout a storyboard creates continuity in the story.
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Storyboard That Семья

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