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The tone of this poem is contemplative. This means that the speaker is reflecting and becoming nostalgic as they consider which road to take. The poem has an almost sentimental mood.

Frost uses figurative language quite a bit in this poem. One example is the fork in the road, which is a metaphor for making a decision about one’s life. An example of this decision making is when a young adult is trying to figure out which college to go to.

Clearly the poem takes place in the woods. Frost shows that it is probably fall by describing the roads as yellow with leaves and grass.

This poem has 4 stanzas, each with 5 lines. The rhyme scheme is ABAAB, which means that the first, third, and fourth lines rhyme, and the second and fifth lines rhyme.

The theme of this poem is that people are always confronted with making choices in life, and are ultimately defined by these choices.






Две дороги расходились в желтом лесу,

B И жаль, что я не смог путешествовать

A И будь одним путешественником, долго я стоял

A И посмотрел вниз, насколько мог

B Туда, где загибалось в подлеске;

Хм. Что я должен делать?

Я не могу выбрать между UPenn и Dartmouth!

Ты поймешь это, Майкл.

Дартмутский колледж


Майкл Томпсон

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