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Полночь без луны , Линда Уильямс Джексон

ЭКСПОЗИЦИЯ - Жизнь во времена законов Джима Кроу

RISING ACTION - убиты за желание проголосовать

КЛИМАКС - Эммит Тилль убит


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Midnight Without a Moon is a historical fiction novel about a young girl named Rose. The story takes place in 1955, when segregation and racism was rampant in the South.

Rose Carter is 13 and lives with her brother, cousin, and grandparents in Mississippi. They live in a small house Mr. Robinson's land and work on his farm and cotton fields. Rose struggles with her family dynamic and the horrific mistreatment of black people around her during the Jim Crow era.

When Mr. Albert and his sons did not show up for work one day, Rose knew something was wrong. Mr. Albert's son Levi, 21 years old, was shot and killed when he tried to register to vote. Sadness and fear shocked the black community of their small town.

On August 28, 1955, Emmett Till, a 14 year old boy who was staying in Money, Mississippi, is taken from his bed and brutally murdered for allegedly whistling at a white woman. It is abundantly clear that things are out of control.

The white men who killed Emmett Till are on trial. Rose and her family are hopeful that this means things are changing. However, when the men are found not guilty, it is clear that change is not coming any time soon.

Rose's Aunt Belle and Monty offer to take her to St. Louis to live. Rose is tempted by the better life she would no doubt have if she left Mississippi. However, she decides to stay and hopes to be a part of changes in the future. 

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Папа, что случилось? Где мистер Альберт и мальчики?

Это просто ужасно.

Он наверное просил об этом!

Я горжусь тобой, Роза.

Спасибо, тетя Белль, но я останусь.


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