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The Process of Photosynthesis

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Photons of light energy from the sun hit the chloroplasts of a plant cell.

A chemical inside the chloroplasts called chlorophyll absorbs the photons of energy.

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Water molecules that are absorbed from the roots and transferred into the leaves are split by the photons. Hydrogen stays in the chloroplasts while Oxygen exits the plant through the air.

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Carbon Dioxide enters the plant through tiny pores called stomata.

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Light Dependent Reaction

Light Independent Reaction



Carbon Dioxide combines with Hydrogen using the ATP and NADPH to create Glucose. More Oxygen exits the plant as well.

In summary:

Sunlight + Water + Carbon Dioxide = Glucose + Oxygen

Photosynthesis is the process by which plants make their own food. It is pivotal to the lives of plants.

ATP and NADPH are also created in this reaction

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