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Story Starters

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Create your own at Storyboard That It was very late. Phoebe heard a knock at the door. She went downstairs, opened the door, and found...Frank was walking to the store as he did nearly everyday. As he was walking he noticed something that was very different today...Jane was returning to her car from buying groceries, but it was missing...David returned from the restroom and everyone had left...
Story Starters
Storyboard That

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Описание Раскадровки

Story starters to get your students writing

Текст Раскадровки

  • It was very late. Phoebe heard a knock at the door. She went downstairs, opened the door, and found...
  • Frank was walking to the store as he did nearly everyday. As he was walking he noticed something that was very different today...
  • Jane was returning to her car from buying groceries, but it was missing...
  • David returned from the restroom and everyone had left...
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