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Acme Corp. Users

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Define Your Users

Carl the Customer

Angie the Agent

Be as specific as possible in describing the prototypical user(s) of your product.

Carl has a college degree and has been working for 7 years. He likes technology but worries about the cost of new widgets. In general he is a nice guy, but his patience is short right now.

Angie has a college degree and 4 years of work experience in customer support, her second career. She is good with basic computer applications, like Office, and surfs the web a lot in her free time.

Acme Corp. Users

Acme Corp. Users
Storyboard That

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Эту раскадровку можно найти в следующих статьях и ресурсах:
Истории Пользователей Agile

Истории Пользователей и Гибкая Разработка

Автор: Аарон Шерман

Основным принципом современных процессов разработки является гибкое развитие. Эта методология разработки подчеркивает использование небольших пользовательских историй размера укуса, чтобы определить, что система делает с точки зрения пользователя, а не техническая. Пользователю важно, что продукт быстрый, простой в использовании и решает их проблемы. Им все равно, следует ли он 3-уровневой архитектуре, имеет Mongo DB, или использует Rails или Asp.net.


Ознакомьтесь с некоторыми другими нашими бизнес-статьями!

Описание Раскадровки

A spider map of users for a generic company

Текст Раскадровки

  • Angie the Agent
  • Define Your Users
  • Carl the Customer
  • Angie has a college degree and 4 years of work experience in customer support, her second career. She is good with basic computer applications, like Office, and surfs the web a lot in her free time.
  • Be as specific as possible in describing the prototypical user(s) of your product.
  • Carl has a college degree and has been working for 7 years. He likes technology but worries about the cost of new widgets. In general he is a nice guy, but his patience is short right now.
  • Acme Corp. Users
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