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family from hell

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family from hell
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  • Hi! I'm Grace Williams
  • Introduction
  • Rising Action
  • Auch!
  • Conflict
  • you are going to a boarding school to help you DO BETTER
  • -Hey, I’m Grace Williams I am 16 years old and this is my family; I live in New York with my parents “Robert and Kathy Williams”, I have a wealthy family, but every family has their problems. I had an older sister named Chloe, but she died last year because of a car accident she had while trying to run away from home. I was never a sad person but that scarred me.
  • Climax
  • The first day I came back after Chloe’s death some girls started mocking her death and I got anxious, so I went up to one of the girls and the next thing I know I’m punching one her, she got knocked out immediately., I got suspended for a month. It was not fun when my parents heard about the news.
  • Falling Action
  • My parents didn’t stop screaming at me the whole month I was suspended. Worst month of my life, they made it a living hell for me. After that they decided to send me to a boarding school to “help me do better”. I thought that going to this boarding school was going to be a vacation from home, but it was worse.The point of this was literally to tell me how imperfect I am and that I need to change everything about me, for me to be perfect. I returned home with the goal of making my parents proud.
  • Resolution
  • I'll go open the door
  • After 3 months of mental abuse and exhaustion I finally gave up, there is no way is the universe to satisfy them. After those 3 monthsI fell into a deep whole of exhaustion, laziness, anxiety, and depression. . One day, I went downstairs, my dad was in the living room and started screaming at me because of my lazy lifestyle. After about 10minutes of just screaming at each other I accidentally brought up my sister’s death, he decided to kick me out. I decided to continue my life in Hawaii.
  • I had already arrived in Hawaii when I noticed that I was getting 1000 calls from an unknown number,I immediately broke my phone and sim card so my parents couldn’t track me. When I got there I got taken to an adoption center and after a week I got adopted by this amazing young couple, their names were Dave and Olivia.
  • It had been almost a year since I got adopted by Dave and Olivia, everything felt fine, I’ve never been happier in my entire life. While we were having lunch, we heard a knock on the door and Dave went toopen it and when I saw the person that was at the door my heart dropped,“DAD?!?!” I screamed.
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