Legislative Bill Analysis - The Legislative Branch
Текст Раскадровки
Title of Bill and Number
Problem Your Bill is Addressing
Read Chapter 3 "Bacteria"Pages 33-52
Hmm... not enough supplies for everyone.
H. R. 1020 : STEM Education Act of 2015
Description of Your Bill
Legislative Bill Analysis
This bill aims to "improve the design and testing of innovative STEM learning models, programs, and resources for informal learning environments to improve STEM learning outcomes and increase engagement for K–12 students, K–12 teachers, and the general public, including design and testing of the scalability of models, programs, and other resources. "
Should it Be Passed?
Should Congress Pass this Bill?
H.R 1020: Stem Education Act
"To define STEM education to include computer science, and to support existing STEM education programs at the National Science Foundation. This bill will reward numerous grants for the further research and implementation of STEM programs."
Image Attributions:A Touch of Science (https://www.flickr.com/photos/mars_p/4257968097/) - Mars P. - License: Attribution (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/)Salmonella Bacteria (https://www.flickr.com/photos/niaid/5613656967/) - NIAID - License: Attribution (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/)
I believe the STEM Education Act of 2015 should be passed, in order to expand the educational experience and outcomes for students and teachers throughout America.