No, mum, it's different this time, this is permanent exclusion. It means I can't go back to that school again.
I just got excluded from school.
What? I don't care what they call it, they can´t just kick you out of school. On Monday morning you will be going back to school and that's that.
Oh no, not again. How long for this time.?
Yes, that means that the school don't want nothing to do with him.
And I don't want nothing to do with them.
It's permanent.
Leave him, that's what I say, leave him and let him fend for himself.
He's not a man, he's a boy!
I'm not a boy.
He's a child Marvin, he cannot fend for himself.
Well, he keeps telling everyone he's a man, so let's see how man he is, let's send him to work, make him pay his way.
Shut up.
Five pounds? Mum, that can't even buy me a CD.
Come on, Mum, please.
Take five pounds.
OK, take ten and get out.
I thought you said the money was for just going out?