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Lai Samazinātu

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Lai Samazinātu
Storyboard That

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Описание Раскадровки

Angļu Valodas Frāzes Darbības Vārdi — Atteikt

Текст Раскадровки

  • TO TURN DOWNTo decrease the temperature, volume, etc.Example: Alice was unable to turn down the heat in her apartment.
  • Why is it so hot in here?
  • The heating is broken. I can't turn it down!
  • TO TURN DOWNTo rejectExample: Steven turned down the acting job because he doesn't want to move to LA.
  • We would love to offer you the lead role in our latest movie. We start recording in 3 months in Los Angeles.
  • That's a very kind offer, but I'm going to have to turn you down. I don't want to move to the west coast.
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